Finest Meat from Chicken & Beef
The Chicken & Beef Complete Menu for adult cats is part of our exclusive Fix-BARF® range. It consists of tender chicken breast fillet and beef muscle meat, combined with other natural ingredients such as organs and salmon. This creates a healthy, complete food that contains everything your cat needs for a species-appropriate and balanced diet.
Natural Nutrient Providers
The lean chicken breast in this complete menu provides your cat with essential proteins and, together with added chicken fat, meets the requirement for essential fatty acids, resulting in an ideal fat content. Iron supply is ensured by the addition of beef blood. Bone meal, beef liver, and seaweed meal meet the need for calcium, vitamin D, and iodine.
Carrots as Natural Fiber
In addition to 95% animal-based ingredients, this complete menu also contains 5% plant-based ingredients in the form of carrots. These are freshly grated and mixed with the meat, serving as dietary fiber to naturally support the intestinal health and digestion of your feline friend.
Fix-BARF® Chicken & Beef: A delicious and healthy complete menu – quick and ready for easy raw feeding!
This product was developed in collaboration with our animal health practitioner, Petra von Quillfeldt. Find more information about our Fix-BARF® products and the supplements used.
Included in the product

BARF pyramid
The BARF pyramid opposite shows how BARF meals should be divided up for a healthy, adult dog. Normally, the rations consist of 80 % animal and 20 % vegetable components, although not all components need to be fed every day. Feeding sick animals or those with intolerances can look completely different. Our nutrition experts will be happy to help you with any questions you may have.
Feeding recommendation
Fix-BARF® for Cats
The daily food amount should be approximately 25 - 30 g of food per kg of the cat's body weight. However, the specified food amounts are only guidelines and may vary significantly depending on age, breed, sex, and living conditions.
We recommend dividing the total food amount into at least two portions per day.
All of our BARF products should be stored in the freezer at -18 °C and thawed in the refrigerator for about 12 hours before feeding, either without packaging or with sufficient air holes. Serve the meat at room temperature.
Composition and analytical constituents
Analytical components
Product reviews
Information about the authenticity of customer reviews can be found here.
Sehr gut in Styroporkiste verpackt.
Sehr gut in Styroporkiste verpackt. Der Katze schmeckt es
Excellente qualité
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